Monday, May 30, 2011

The Tales of the Baby Quilts

Every quilt tells a story and baby and children quilts have the most memorable tales to share. Creating baby quilts can be likened to a child at play. They are a joy to behold, so busy with activity and bursting with energy; they fill you with limitless warmth and love. And just like children, a baby quilt is a one-of-a-kind work of art, created out of love. As the handmade baby quilt is being designed and created, the quilter takes the time to think about each piece of fabric that will be going into this new creation, and most importantly how each piece will relate a story of the child it will belong to. Right down to the last stitch, it is with the child in mind that this new family heirloom comes to life. 

What generates a child's story for a handmade quilt? Creating a baby quilt is a step-by-step process – one patch, one appliqué, one stitch at a time; and just like a little child it grows and evolves over time. What makes each story unique is the pieces of fabric that are chosen to become part of that quilt. Instead of words, this story is to be told with fabric, with texture, with design, and with color. With each passing memory the child's quilt grows. That gentle blue flannel baby's blanket is transformed into the hat on a clown that triggers back memories of a toy once cherished by the child who spent hours upon hours hugging and playing with it on the nursery floor. The blue plaid from the toddler's PJs becomes the gingham dress on a little girl, and this reminds the parents of all those times their little girl just loved to watch the Wizard of Oz, year after year with eyes glued on the screen. The denim becomes the pockets of the cowboy, who helped the little boy overcome shyness and gain confidence just like his television hero.  Or how about the little doggie applique?  For most it is just a cute puppy but for your family it has a name; it is actually Scottie, who remains to be your child’s most faithful friend?

And each night when the parents peek into the child’s room just to watch him sleeping peacefully, with arms wrapped tightly around the story of his younger days, and dreaming of the days to come – that is when this baby quilt has found a home. It carved a place of its own in the hearts and minds of parents and kids and created a link that will never be broken.

For the best selection of handmade baby quilts, baby boy bedding and baby girl bedding, visit – an online boutique for quality baby crib bedding.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nine Things I Love About My Baby Quilt Store

I had mixed feeling about starting an e-business.  I hoped it would be a source of extra income, but frankly, it sounded boring.  I don't like the computer that much, and I tried to be dispassionate in choosing a niche. It made good business sense, but it didn't excite me.  A few months down the road, my attitude has complete changed.  I know many people start an e-biz and give up; they find it hard work and dull.  I half expected that to happen to me, but boy, was I wrong!  Here are nine things I love about my e-business:
  1. I love the way my life has changed in a most unexpected way. Having an e-business has given me new activities, new friends and  a lot to learn about. 
  2. I love it because I am passionate about quilting and handmade baby quilts in particular. Before I started the business, I wasn't too enthusiastic about quilts. As I've learned more about the new techniques, the contemporary colors and designs, my view has changed. I don't just like them, I love them!
  3. I love it because it allows me to work from home and be there for my family at the same time. Part of my reason for starting an e-business was to be location independent. That aspect of my life is brilliant. Where ever I am I can look after the business and there's no commute and no sitting in a windowless pod from nine to five. I knew that would happen, but the experience is still better that I expected and I can't imagine, ever, giving it up.  
  4. I love having a structure to my day. Often when you work for someone else you can't see the point of many of the jobs you do. Now I work for myself I have to manage my time carefully, I have to prioritize and that means there is a good reason for everything I do.
  5. I love the buzz and excitement of going to craft fairs and trips to the country. E-business doesn't have to be only on the web. I've had a great time attending craft fairs and meeting interesting people.  
  6. I love all the help and support I have had from my friends and customers to get me to the stage I am at now. As a complete beginner at e-business I've taken workshops and joined an e-business forum. I also attend a regular e-business mastermind class. I really enjoy the people I've 'met' online, it's great to be part of a supportive community, and now I'm no longer a beginner I get to give advice to those who are just starting out. 
  7. I love it when a customer is pleased with our products and the service we provide and tells us so. Perhaps it's because my product is for babies, I get a feeling of achievement each time I get an email from a customer saying how delighted they are with the product. Being able to sell a product which makes people happy gives me a sense of achievement. 
  8. I love my inspiring customers, they have all been charming and I wish I could meet them all in person. I've been surprised at how much my customers want to interact, if I give them the chance. I enjoy answering their enquiries. E-business is not at all the solitary activity I expected it to be.    
  9. I love the fact that since beginning this venture I have learned many things. I had forgotten the pleasure of mastering new skills and while at first it seemed there was just too much to learn, I've taken it one thing at a time. I know I will always be learning. 

An e-business is hard work, and anyone who believes it's a quick easy road to riches will find it disappointing. If you do put in the hours and spend time learning the skills, it becomes more than a business. It's a passion. 

I didn't become Fairy overnight and I have all the Fairy powers to help you with your baby crib bedding and nursery decor. For handmade baby quilts, baby girl and baby boy bedding visit my baby bedding boutique